Thursday, April 5, 2012


Lately I've been quoting my dad a lot. It's strange, I've had a hard time posting about my dad on public forums like Facebook and the like, but I think I consider this place more private and personal in some way- although I hope more people end up reading this than any of my silly status updates.

I wanted to talk about my dad today for a few reasons. One, he was the best dad in the whole world. And two, I'm trying to find a way to honor him on this very sad day for me, the one that marks the day he passed away 7 years ago.

So I thought I'd share his humor with you. Since I think that was one of the best parts of him. My dad knew how to make people laugh without trying, but it's funny how the silly things are the things you remember. Like how he used to say to me, "You're a good kid, but who likes goats?", or whenever I said "I'm thirsty", he'd say "I'm Friday". And when he really had to pee, he'd say his back teeth were floating! That one is particularly gross, huh? He never got tired of those. They still make me chuckle.

I think those sayings will always be my 'dad-isms' if you will. Does your mom or dad have funny little sayings like that? Or is there something funny about them that just makes them "them"? My mom still talks about how she remembers how much her dad hated sticky things, and as kids, her sister would run around threatening to smear her syrupy hands on him! Isn't that the best? The silly things always seem to be the best. So here's to you, dad. Miss you.

(photo of my mom, me, and my dad at an LMU basketball game)


  1. I love your dad-isms they gave me a moment to remember your dad, and yes is was so special. I miss him dearly. He was one of my favorite people. hahah I am picturing his isms but they are noise and it made me laugh but I can't write the sounds. Anyways for my dad-isms my very favorite was he would come into the dining room on Sunday morning and say time to exercise and with his two pointer fingers go up "1" side"2" down "3" Love you Taryn xoxo

  2. Thanks Pammy, I love your dad-ism! How funny!
