Friday, June 15, 2012

I was right

Just to clarify.. last week, I mentioned the embarrassing fact that Zac and I couldn't agree on what week I am. He has an application on his phone that said I was a week later than I thought I was. Let's just say I was mortified- the idea that I didn't even know THIS about my pregnancy (considering I go to the doctor at LEAST once a month) was not okay with me.

So, we checked with the doc and I was right. Of course Zac had a moment of denial that his electronic device could be wrong- checking his app. and saying "ya, that's what I said!" This was proceeded by a conversation of "what do you trust more, your wife or your app?- in which Zac replied that he basically trusts the app. more.

THEN- about a second later, Zac saw how the app. failed him, which was sweet justice for me, and I took a moment to rub it in. But even better, now it's publicly documented.

It's not that I have to be right all the time- it's just that, I don't make a point about something if I'm not sure; so in that case, I do love to be right...
but don't we all :)

(image via thebump)

P.S. I am 24 weeks and not only is baby as heavy as a cantaloupe, but as long as an ear of corn!

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