Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Love story

Yesterday marked 9 years (!!!) from the day that Zac asked me to be his girlfriend! I remember it like, well, not yesterday, but maybe like, last month. We had been dating a week (a WEEK!), I was definitely not expecting this sort of question so soon, but out it came! Zac says he knew what he wanted and didn't want to risk waiting.. (how sweet, and confident!). So I replied with a surprised but happy "sure" to the guy I had a crush on for months.. and here we are, 9 years later. It's hard to believe. It's not always easy meeting the love of your life at 18, but I did, and I won't complain. But here's the question of the day- for those of you married people out there, or just people who think about marriage, do you (or will you) celebrate those beginning anniversaries after you get married, and have a new "day" to celebrate? Our new day is October 3rd, but every February 28th, I remember that day he asked me to be his girl. We're celebrating by driving to Pasadena this weekend and getting my favorite bagel. It's the little things, right?
(picture from May 2004, a little over a year in:)


  1. Of course you became my girl, how could you miss out on those lips! I feel our new day is our big day to dress up and celebrate, and our old day is a day to remember and cherish.

  2. I think if you keep making that effort through the years, When so many other dates come up. You will have a very special and happy marriage.

  3. I love that you are celebrating by getting bagels! It's definitely the little things in life that make it worthwhile!

  4. Absolutely! Celebrating the beginning is the most important, I think. I know I'm not too wise when it comes to relationships, but all of my friends (single, married, dating)remember the first date and when the relationship became official. Weddings create amazing and unforgettable memories, but I believe that the first date with your spouse is just as memorable. Congrats to you and Zac on 9 years!!
