Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Christmas came late this year!

Ok, maybe it is almost March. And maybe you can't see the great-ness of this bag from the silly photo I took on my phone. But yesterday
I received my long awaited Christmas present! Ok, so my husband didn't read the "will ship February 26th" fine print when he bought this is December, but nobody's perfect! Have you ever received a ridiculously late gift? Were you mad when you found out it was (or would be) late? Or did you get all giddy because it's kind of like getting two birthdays (or Christmases) that way? I'd have to say, I experienced a bit of both. But in the end, it was the thought that counted of course. Thank you Zachary :) (bag from Madwell)

1 comment:

  1. Better late than never! I'm glad it was worth the wait ;-)
