Choosing a name for a blog is hard. I chose Living Proper because it represents both parts of me.. Living is short for my maiden name Livingston, and Proper is short for my married name, Propersi (pro-purs-ee). Deciding to take my husband's name was a hard one because Livingston is close to my heart for many reasons, of course. I thought making Livingston my middle name allowed me to somehow merge both parts of myself, which in a way is kind of what marriage is, right?
The ironic part is that "Living Proper" doesn't sound like something I would choose at all. I'm all about being improper, and being yourself, and trying not to judge, because really, who wants to be judged? My mom still says to me "we don't need to keep up with the Jones', we are the Jones'". I think she means, let's pave our own path, and who cares what other people think is 'popular', or Proper, if you will. But alas, I, like many others, strive for a life well lived.. and I often can get stuck in that ever-disappointing trend of perfectionism, and being too hard on myself when I feel it hasn't been reached.
So, I want you all to know that this blog is dedicated to Living Proper. But here, that means, following your own path, paving your own way, and accepting yourself, and others. Because that's all anybody ever wants anyway, isn't it? To be accepted, respected, and loved.. sounds like a good life to me. So here's to Living Proper.
(image from my wedding, when I officially became a Propersi)
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