Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A new chapter

Do you ever write something ten times, and then erase what you wrote, and try again? I have been waiting to begin this new chapter in my life, this blog, because I think I'm scared of it not turning out right. And so I think this is a fitting topic for my first post. Do you ever think about doing something for so long, it almost seems silly to actually do it? It's almost like we're more accustom to daydreaming than actually doing sometimes. But then again, daydreaming can be more fun, can't it?

Welcome. I'm glad you're here. Here's to going for it.

(image via gsuchialpha)


  1. Taryn it up, blog style! This is awesome! Way to take the plunge. Some days blogging feels like homework, other days it's a great way to reflect and blow off some stress... some days I forget about it all together. Enjoy! Iggie love!

  2. Thanks Maggie! I appreciate it. So far it's been fun! iggie love!
