Monday, February 27, 2012

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

I was listening to the radio the other day, and heard a staggering statistic. One in 4 men travel with a stuffed animal! Not making fun of course, I think it's fabulous. But I'm curious, do you travel with a stuffed animal? How about vs. sleeping with one nightly? One of my dearest friends, who will remain nameless, prides herself in her stuffed travel companions. But up until this point, I think she thought she was an oddball, but according to the statistics, 25% isn't all that odd! So, embrace those stuffed pieces of love!
I have 3 stuffed guys that live on my bed, one is fairly new (above, in Disneyland) and I love him to death. BUT, a queen bed isn't big enough for the 5 of us, so the toys get the boot at nighttime. Occasionally, I bring one on a trip if I'm feeling like I need a little added security. So there it is, my confession! ;)


  1. I'm not big on stuffed animals, but I still sleep with an old blanket I've had since I was 9. There's something about the soft fuzzy texture and the way it smells after it comes out of the dryer. No other blanket can help me fall asleep faster. And yes, I take it with me on long trips ;)

  2. Thanks for sharing Ali! Blankeys, of course!
