Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Talking about Money

I recently watched a documentary called Born Rich. The movie is done by a young heir of the Johnson and Johnson family, and most of the movie is him interviewing his young friends who have all inherited their huge amounts of wealth. What a fascinating window into another world. Have you seen it? Do you like documentaries?

But here's what I wanted to ask you. As a throw back to Living Proper, and whatever that means, what do you think about 'talking about money'? Is it proper, improper, tacky? This kid got a lot of flack for making this movie. But I say Bravo! Bravo because we need to talk about the hard things. Don't worry, there's not a wrong answer. The important part is to participate in the conversation.



  1. I think it's ok to talk about money with certain people. There are people and places for everything. I wouldn't bring up money at a birthday party, but maybe over Palemos!

    Do you recommend that Doc? Did you netflix? I love documentaries. Isn't reality tv just trashy documentaries?

  2. I would have to say, I'm not sure if I would go as far to say that reality tv is similar to documentaries, but I can see your connection! Yes, I would recommend the movie for sure if you like documentaries, it's short and I thought interesting. It's on instant play on netflix!
