Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Los Angeles

Are you like Randy Newman? Do you LOVE L.A? I love lots of places, but today, I thought I'd share a bit about my love for the place I have called home for almost the last 10 years (!), Los Angeles.

I love L.A. because each area is so different than the one beside it. I work in Venice, and live in Palms- one is a hippie lovin', laid back, wacky beach part of town and the latter is an apartment filled neighborhood with lots of dogs and near 2 major freeways. And there's so many other cities within the city. Santa Monica boarders Venice, and when you enter Santa Monica, as my friend Sarah pointed out, "you can tell". Santa Monica is more gentrified, more put together, with a Bloomingdales and a Promenade, it's still got great culture, but you're a far way from the tattoo lined boardwalk of Venice. I could go on, Long Beach, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, West Hollywood, and good ol' fashioned L.A., which is somewhere in the middle of all of that. Los Angeles has SO much character. I've been here for years, and I feel like I learn more about this place everyday. So that's my abbreviated love song for the city. I hope you can come and take it in one day. As parts of my posts, I'd like to continue this Los Angeles theme and drop hints on my favorite places and tricks about town.

Where do you live? What's it like?

(photo via legends of america).


  1. I've been here almost a year but am still finding it hard to adjust from Chicago - Chicago being more like a 'city' (like Boston or New York) and LA being a commuter town. Everything is so spread out, it is hard to meet up with people and traffic is just awful. However, I love how there are endless of things to do! I learn to plan better, avoid heavy traffic times/areas and just treasure all that LA has to offer. I am still a Chicago girl at heart, but LA is definitely growing on me.

  2. That's awesome! Yea I think if you have to commute in LA, that can definitely effect quality of life. But otherwise, as long as you think ahead like you said, and try not to do too many things far away at rush hour, the city is a very enjoyable place to explore!
