Friday, August 31, 2012

Whatcha doin' this weekend?

Happy Friday everyone!!

So it's pretty clear that my posts have dwindled lately, and I can chalk that up to August 2012 having been an absolutely nutty month. So to check back in, what are you doing this Labor Day weekend?

Zac and I made a plan to have a whole weekend dedicated to NOT having plans (see my love for vegging). So since this weekend has 3 days in it, we figured one day can be to get things done that will take some of the anxiety away about pre-James prep. And the other two days can be glorious, let's watch movies and make home made waffles kind of days.

I haven't been this excited about a weekend in a long time. :) Sometimes you just need to rest. So what are you looking forward to?

(photo via stumble upon but not sure where it's originally from)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Baby shower!

I'm so excited! Today is the day set aside by my lovely friends and family to shower this little baby with love, before he's even arrived! :)

Can't wait to see everyone's beautiful face and celebrate the soon-to-be birth of this little dude.

(pictures to follow; onsie via pinterest)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Where to Eat Wednesday: Akasha

The other night, to say thanks for helping us paint, and to celebrate being done with the almost 3 coats of primer we used to cover up our DARK paint in the soon to be babies room, Zac took me and my girlfriends out to dinner. We weren't planning on going to Akasha, but it was a delightful and fancy alternative to our previously planned dinner spot. They serve a nice mix of yummy comfort foods like mac n' cheese as well as healthy and delicious options like specially prepared green beans and kale salad.

And the food was so good! We ended up ordering a little too much because we thought their "small plates" would be small, but they weren't! Not only is it a fancy place, but their serving sizes are reasonable, and everything was delicious.

Zac's favorite was the tandori chicken wings, and I really liked my beet salad, and of course, the Salty Chocolate Peanut Bar dessert! Glorious.

Have you ever been here? If not, I recommend trying it out, it's located in downtown Culver City, which is a fun area to hang out in anyway. We like it because it's so close to our apartment. They also serve Intelligentsia coffee, which if you're a coffee person, I highly recommend. Plus, the ambiance is great!

(P.S. They make affagato too! You've really gotta try it now!)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do you like to veg?

Lately, I've been really busy. I thought passing my test (woot) would have made me feel much less busy, but no, I was wrong. Maybe I was just hoping I would have a little extra time to veg out, as I like to describe my version of relaxation.

So that's what Zac and I have planned for Labor Day weekend. Our date is to just "do nothing all weekend". And we can't wait! I've always been really good at doing nothing (watching TV, taking a bath, hangin around the house) and I must say, I'm pretty proud of it. I know vegging out isn't for everyone, but it definitely helps me re-charge, relax, and just take a breather from it all. It's crazy to think how some people cook, or even exercise, to relax! :) I mean, I like to do those things (at times) but definitely don't think of them as relaxing.

What do you think? What do you do to relax? Do you like to veg?

(photo via pinterest)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Would you read this?

I would read this book just based off of the title. I'm not really even sure what it's about, but I love the concept. Sometimes, you just need to take a bath! :)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Where to Eat Wednesday???

Today, I thought I'd ask YOU where to eat. Last night, my mom and I ordered Thai food from a place I had never tried, Swanya Thai, and let me tell you, I won't be ordering from them again. It wasn't that bad, but definitely nothing to write home (or a blog) about.

So here's the thing, I judge Thai places based off of my favorite dish, Mee Krob (pictured above). The problem is that not all Thai places even serve Mee Krob. It's usually on the appetizer section, and basically it's a crispy, sweet noodle, usually with yummy things like pork, chicken, shrimp and/or tofu in it. Have you ever tried it?

I remember hearing once that L.A. has the largest ratio of Thai food restaurants in any metropolitan area, so I'm thinking there are LOTS of places that I am missing out on. So please, let me know if you have any suggestions for Where to Eat this Wednesday!

(photo from EZ Thai Cooking)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Big Day for Sam and Jacque

Congratulations to my sweet brother in law and now sister in law!

Sam and Jacque are a very in love, fun loving, and all around lovable pair- I obviously can't stress their love-ableness enough. And last weekend, they got hitched in Minnesota, and I'm so happy that I got to share in a moment that showcased the union of two so genuinely in love people.

Zac actually was the "officiant" that married them too, making the ceremony that much more personal, sweet, and special. Zac did a great job (like there was ever any doubt) by the way, and if you ever need an officiant in Minnesota- I know a guy!

As for the specifics- my iPhone picture doesn't do it justice, but just look at how beautiful Jacque looks in that stunning retro inspired dress! She was just the most beautiful bride. Even Sammy dressed up for the occasion! Can't you see how in love they are?

The real photos will be to die for, because, not to brag or anything, we did get them a pretty bad ass present in the form of one Jon Carmichael, one of my best friends, and an incredibly talented photographer. Check out his stuff!

Anyway, I'm back from out of town and happy to mark another state off of my list of "visited" in America. Minnesota was great! My only word of caution would be to avoid Mexican food there.. I'll stick with L.A. for that one!

Mazel tov S & J!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Where to Eat Wednesdays: MILK

Today, I think you should check out a place called MILK. This place is amazing because you can go there, order a milkshake, and feel perfectly balanced because you can also get an awesome salad ;) I had tried MILK after hearing about their awesome ice cream sandwiches but fell for it after telling my girlfriend that I was in the mood for a salad and a milkshake (random pregnancy thing? maybe, maybe not) and her reply to me was "I know the perfect place!" I was like, really??

I definitely recommend their mint chip shake. It was like heaven. But it may be hard to choose given their selection of shakes, ice cream sandwiches, and other delicious sweets. Check out their ice cream parlour menu here to get the idea. As for the salad, I've heard others are good, but I tried the Chopped Cobb, above, and it was delicious.

I hope you try it out! And bring me!

(P.S. How cool would this gift bag be to receive!? What a great idea for an ice cream lover)

Cozy and Beautiful

I don't like going so long in between posts, but focusing on my social work licensure test was no joke! Now that that's over (and PS, it went well!), let's just look at pretty things again! Like above! How beautiful and cozy does this Sleep Shirt look?

(wish listed)!

And as a shout out for the dudes in the audience, what do you think? Do you think a sleep shirt can be just as sexy as lingerie? I know they're different, but I love the look, like she's wearing your old pajamas (minus the pants of course;)!

(via Eberjey, discovered through my musings at Cup of Jo)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

31st week- go!

Ok, I know it's Where to Eat Wednesday, and I can't wait to tell you all about the perfect place to get a salad AND a milkshake, but that's going to have to wait, because yesterday I started my 31st week, which means that baby James is as big as a pineapple! Also, I know a few people who wanted to see a picture. So here's my modeling session with my mom who's been in town, which has been great:

I know it's a bit dark, and maybe even blurred- but you can take that up with mom. I mean grandma. :) I can't believe he's as big as a pineapple! I think with my belly, it kind of looks that way! Also, I just found out that Zac was a whopping 9 lbs. 12 ounces at birth, so I'm kind of terrified that this baby is going to be a giant. I had been lying to myself apparently because I thought Zac was born at 8 lbs.. Oh well, nothing I can do about that now, is there? IS THERE!? :) Happy Wednesday.

(via the bump)