Monday, August 13, 2012

Big Day for Sam and Jacque

Congratulations to my sweet brother in law and now sister in law!

Sam and Jacque are a very in love, fun loving, and all around lovable pair- I obviously can't stress their love-ableness enough. And last weekend, they got hitched in Minnesota, and I'm so happy that I got to share in a moment that showcased the union of two so genuinely in love people.

Zac actually was the "officiant" that married them too, making the ceremony that much more personal, sweet, and special. Zac did a great job (like there was ever any doubt) by the way, and if you ever need an officiant in Minnesota- I know a guy!

As for the specifics- my iPhone picture doesn't do it justice, but just look at how beautiful Jacque looks in that stunning retro inspired dress! She was just the most beautiful bride. Even Sammy dressed up for the occasion! Can't you see how in love they are?

The real photos will be to die for, because, not to brag or anything, we did get them a pretty bad ass present in the form of one Jon Carmichael, one of my best friends, and an incredibly talented photographer. Check out his stuff!

Anyway, I'm back from out of town and happy to mark another state off of my list of "visited" in America. Minnesota was great! My only word of caution would be to avoid Mexican food there.. I'll stick with L.A. for that one!

Mazel tov S & J!

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