Saturday, March 22, 2014

For fun

I haven't even seen Footloose, or even a full Jimmy Fallon episode. But this video made me smile:

Makes me kind of want to watch the movie just for the cheesy 80s vibes. Plus it would be fun to celebrate turning 30 the same year as Footloose!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


In case you didn't know.. I'm moving from Los Angeles, from where I've called home for the last 9 years of my life since my dad died and my mom moved here, and I officially didn't go "home" to Las Vegas anymore. I've grown up here. Not in the adolescent way, but in that twenty something way. It's where I met my husband, got married, had my first baby, lived in the same apartment for more than five years, it's where I met some of my best friends and was still able to stay connected with friends far away.

And, I'm okay with leaving. Maybe it's what's left of the wanderlust in me, but I welcome the change. I don't want to live in the same apartment building for thirty years like my dad did. Although I love that he did. He was living his dream, acting in LA. And now I'm living mine. I'm going to have a "big" family, live in the 'burbs, but close enough to the city, and hopefully buy a house and save up enough money to travel the world bit by bit. That sounds like a pretty good life to me. But I'll still miss my first true city love, Los Angeles.

Place has always held a lot of importance for me. And this goodbye is going to be hard. I've got a lot going on, but I hope in the crazy mix of all the responsibilities associated with moving your life to a new place, I get to take a minute to think about how this old place has shaped me. And I think to properly say goodbye to it, I need to reflect a bit on where I've been and where I am now. Who I am now. That's a tall order. Thanks for letting me do it with you.

What's going on with you lately? Any changes?

Monday, March 3, 2014

Do you like a girl in glasses?

As you may know, I wear glasses. Everyday. I think it's been about two years now. So last week, after forgetting what my face looks like because I always have my Paul Smith's on, I got contacts. And this weekend I spent nearly two and a half hours trying to get the darn things in and out of my eyes. Although I think I'm getting the hang of it, I don't know how much more patience I have in me. Maybe I should just get these new glasses instead?:

(I'm thinking tortoise shell full frames or retro semi-rims)

At first, (as I was about to pull my hair out in frustration with the contacts),  Zac was like: "oh honey, you'll get it, don't worry". And after two hours, it turned into: "maybe contacts just aren't for you". Well, I'm not one for quitting, but I also don't like to torture myself. I'll let you know what happens.

(top photo found on pinterest, bottom photo/ frames from warby parker)