Monday, December 23, 2013

Sayings that I don't like.

Usually, I like focusing on the positive. But today I want to talk about sayings that I DON'T like. The first two are pretty straight forward:

If you're jealous, don't say you're "jelly". You're not jelly, jelly is something you put on toast. You're jealous, use whatever's left of your stamina, and utter that second syllable. For me, please.

The second saying I don't like is "I'm preggo!" to indicate you are growing a baby inside you're womb. You are not a pasta sauce. You are an incubator for a human being. Again, utter that second syllable. Or don't ;) it's just my little pet peeve. And I know a million mamas say it.. so just saying.. (is that a saying that bothers anyone?:)

Now this one's a little more complicated. I was recently reading something that mentioned the "terrible twos", and all I can think is how horrible that sounds! I mean talk about setting yourself up for failure. And don't get me wrong.. I've had my fair share of "terribles" with my one year old, so it's not that I don't think that having a two year old will probably make me want to pull my hair out sometimes, but can we at least focus on the positive for this one. I mean it's a whole year. That's a long time to be terrible. I'm really hoping for Terrific (even with the Tantrums) Twos.

So that's all I've got. What sayings bug you?

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