Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Will you encourage your kids to believe in Santa?

We will :) I guess most people do. But I think it's a worthy discussion. There's something magical about him. With my Jewish and Catholic background, I think even I get confused when thinking about how we'll explain our Christmas tradition to James. But I think we'll figure it out.

This year, my mom and I lit the menorah together on the last night of Hannukah. Although we don't really "celebrate" Hannukah in the traditional sense, this small practice felt good- like we didn't need presents to celebrate, we just celebrated by being together. Today's the first Christmas in 28 years that I haven't woken up with my mom since we're with Zac's family this year. So this post's for you, Madre ;)

I hope everyone is enjoying the spirit of the holiday season in their own unique way, today and always.

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)gmail.com
