Sunday, September 29, 2013

Life is too short to be busy

Are you too busy?

I really enjoyed this article about how busy we make ourselves. I've always said "I love doing nothing". But I haven't said it in a while. I think that's because now that I'm a momma, it's a bit harder. Nothing, for me, is having a day where I might not get out of my pajamas, watch too much television, and probably play with my dog more than usual. Sounds like a good day. But I get stuck in the busy trap sometimes too. It's important to talk about it though, and maintain this awareness to make sure it doesn't take us over, to make sure we don't get too busy for each other.

(photo found via pinterest)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Quote Analysis

"Being alive is a sea without a single sail in sight. A few people survive here."
~ Ko Un, Sunlight

Sometimes the best quotes are the ones that mean something different to different people. Or the ones that you're not quite sure what they really mean.

I think this one is trying to say that you're only really alive when you are truly still within yourself. At first, I thought it was referencing finding comfort in being alone. Is that obvious? I could be wrong. But then again, so could you!

What does it mean to you?

(photo via nofatnowhip)

Friday, September 27, 2013


Photography is a pretty amazing art form. How one picture can tell an entire story. There's something about the stillness of a photo in our sometimes obnoxiously mobile world that is extremely captivating.

One picture, of something completely foreign or ordinary, can make me feel something so deep in my gut.

What do you think?

(photos found via the pretty tumblr

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Confession: I'm not perfect.

After reading my last post, I realized it sounded like my life is all peachy and perfect all the time. While I like to focus on the positive, I have to point out, of course, this is not the case.

I drink too much coffee. I bicker with Zac. I struggle with my weight. These are all things I'm not proud of, but they are part of me. And that's okay.

I came across a yogi recently named Rachel Brathen and I started following her on Instagram. She has very positive daily posts with inspiring pictures of her doing amazing yoga poses. She recently wrote something about not being perfect, although her posts often crafted an image of someone who was 'supremely happy', if you will. While I read her post, I still thought: "yea, but you've got it good-- you live in Aruba, you're beautiful, you travel for a living.. blah blah", but I knew in the back of my mind that of course I don't know this, I don't know her. I don't know how things are for Rachel. I just read her Instagram posts and lust after the thought of living in Aruba and traveling to Europe to put on yoga tutorials. But that's not the life I want. I want my life.

I want to wake up at 6 in the morning to my smiling (and sometimes crying) baby boy. I want to bicker and be with Zac. I want to eat gourmet food and do yoga and boot camp to lose my pregnancy weight. Because this is the life I choose, and I love. And sometimes in our envy filled world, it's important to stand back and pinch ourselves. Because damn, if your attitude is just right, and your decisions are your own, we've got it pretty damn good, wouldn't you say?

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Are you a happy person?

I love this article on qualities of supremely happy people. I feel like I have a response or relation to each of the 21 points. I particularly like that "we" cultivate resilience, look on the bright side, and nix the small talk for deeper conversation. The one that I have the most trouble with is 'losing track of time', but hey, I'll work on it.

At work, I'm often dubbed a "pauliana", or generally, the person who will always point out the good in some cruddy situation. Of course I don't always do this, but I have to say I'm proud of my nickname. After all, if it helps put me in the "supremely happy" category, I'll take it.

How about you? Do you consider yourself an optimist? A pesimmist? Why or why not? What do you think of the 21 traits?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

One more

How could I leave out a picture of James with his favorite guy!? (And giving a great big hug to his present from Ramona and Israel:) So sweet.

P.S.- Although he doesn't read my blog (yet!), I wanted to send out a big thank you to Israel for taking pictures of this wonderful day for us! They turned out lovely. And if anyone else snapped a few photos, send them our way. Thanks!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What a day.

What a week actually. James had family and friends come from San Jose, Las Vegas, San Diego, and all over this big city to celebrate his big 'first' on Sunday.

He got to hang out with his buddies at the park. (and was mesmerized by the nearby airplanes from the Santa Monica airport).

He got to see his pretty cousins.

He even got his face on the side of a lemonade bottle!

All and all, the day was very special. The whole family came together and did so much to make it a success. Zac hand made cars and guitars, my mother in law whipped up some amazing pasta salad, pops (my father in law) helped Zac man the grill, my mom took the baby on a stroll to nap during the party, the Zunos donated a tent and tables, and my best friend Jon drove in my grandmother and aunt from Las Vegas to be there.

What's the saying? It takes a village? Well, James, you've got a whole village of people who love you and would do anything to celebrate you turning 1 year old!

Happy birthday again, baby! And thanks everyone who came and celebrated. It means so much to us.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Are you the person you always wanted to be?

The other day at work, I facilitated a group with staff where everyone completed a questionnaire that measures "compassion satisfaction", "burnout" and "vicarious traumatization". Although the latter is more specific to the helping profession, I think the first two are relative to most people. One of the questions was "Are you the person you always wanted to be". The eloquent comment I had for the group when reviewing the assessment was pointing out that question and commenting "wow, that's like, deep".

What a personal question. But what an important one. Have you asked yourself that recently? It's not the easiest question to answer, but I think the important part is answering honestly. And if the answer is no, that's okay. As long as you're working on it.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Something pretty.

Just wanted to leave you with something pretty to end this long weekend. My weekend was filled with karaoke, a birthday celebration, a BBQ, and even some party planning for James' big day! Of course there's still lots to do, but I'm looking forward to celebrating my little guy, and the labor of love that happened almost a year ago!!

(photo via pinterest)